Saturday, December 10, 2022

LTO options on Linux

If you're a dedicated tape afficianado like me, this is a recommended read.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Open Source Alternatives site

Neat little site to show you different free software/open source alternatives to popular packages.

Perl 7 on hold

I had thought Perl 7 was imminent but it looks like the Perl 5 forces live to fight another day, the same releases will be made but currently still in the Perl 5 line.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Wall Street Raider

Not sure if I've mentioned it before but Wall Street Raider is a great game and intro to trading and financial concepts, I been playing it for like 25 years now? Something crazy like that. There is a version called Speculator that focuses on the trading and skips the corporate finance aspect of it.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Windows XP Delta Edition

Neat little project (of dubious legality) to bring back the early XP experience. Want to use Program Manager, this is your distribution.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Ran across an AnandTech article on setting up CVS on Windows

We've come a long way. The comments about old UNIX software are priceless, let's all move to Perforce?

Monday, June 27, 2022

Configuring Windows Defender for home use

Turns out with a few tweaks, Windows Defender is great for home use, so maybe we can all save some money.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

RIP to Touchdown

I hadn't realized until this week that the Touchdown email app had gone the way of the dodo. Started using it a long, long time ago, but once Symmantec bought it, they let it run into the ground.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Computer History Wiki for all

Found a neat wiki that allows for the collection of computer history in a much less formal style than Wikipedia, contribute if you can.